Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What was discussed tonight about the Hawley Avenue and Hawley Cove Park connection

What was discussed tonight about the Hawley Avenue and Hawley Cove Park connection at the City's Open House on the Proposed Trail Update Non-Motorized Transportation Plan Comprehensive Plan Amendment –

The Non-Motorized Committee’s “boardwalk” proposal for the most direct connection (both bike and pedestrian, commuter and tourist friendly) was guestimated at $125K.

The Park’s department suggestion for a "trail" closer to the shoreline along the berm ending with a bridge, was guestimated at $50K.

FUNDING - We need to voice our request to the City Council for, at minimum, $50K to be set aside in the 2008 Capital Facilities Plan for connecting Hawley Avenue and Hawley Cove Park. Once the connection option has been selected, the funding can be revisited as long as we have this $50K “placeholder” in the plan.
  1. The Parks department does not have the funding, or the labor resources to build the connection. Once funding is identified the Parks staff could direct the project using contracted labor.
  2. The Non-motorized funds are not available for this project on Open Space land because their funds are only to be used for permitting/acquiring easements, and development of trials on non-Open Space property.
  3. The Capital Facilities Plan is our best bet.

TIMING – It is most desirable to have this project completed before the Wing Point Way reconstruction to provide for an alternative/safer route to/from the ferry during construction.

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