Thursday, August 16, 2007

Squelched - Non-motorized element to Hawley Cove Park!

Excerpted from our neighborhood discussions -

This project got canned by park district staff because "someone" doesn't like the idea. There was strong support for the idea at the Wing Pt Non Motorized meeting in Sept 2005 but even the $7500 that the Non-Motorized Committee allocated for planning in 2007 got canned by staff a few months ago. They told me they "didn't like the idea" or "see the need for it", and then lamely they said they "didn't understand it". Everyone I've spoken with who understands the idea thinks it's great, I'm surprised there is resistance at all but there is. I don't know where the resistance lies.

1 comment:

A. Peters said...

I believe the time to build this link is when Wing Point Way is being repaired. The closer the link, or bridge is to Wing Point Way, the steeper the terrain on both sides of the creek, and the less need for pilings or support in the wetlands. I wonder if it is cost effective to pre-build something, and lift it into place from the road?